Rolling Stones tribute band live (Dec. 9)

Last weekend we hit up another amazing rock show at our local club the Royal Room… they’ve been playing a series of 50th anniversary album tribute shows. We’ve seen Led Zeppelin 1 and  the Beatles Abbey Road. Lucas will take it from here, followed by some video.

The other day at the Royal Room we saw a Tribute to the Rolling Stones. It was the 50th anniversary of the album Let It Bleed. They played the entire album from start to finish, and then they played a couple more as an encore. My favorite song was Midnight Rambler

11th December, 2019 This post was written by burke 1 Comment

Don’t Stop Believin’ Crowdsource Choir (Dec. 1)

Lucas is always looking for ways to be part of live music. One of our new favorite events is  “Crowdsource Choir”, a monthly event that takes place at different locations in South Seattle. A group — sometimes as big as 100 — gets together practices a song for an hour or so before singing it one final, triumphant time. Most recently we participated in the Crowdsource Choir for the classic Journey song Don’t Stop Believin’. Lucas explains more below, followed by the video (you can see us in the front row).

Last week Susie, Richard, Ezra, Madison and Rebeca all met us at the Royal Room and we all sang Don’t Stop Belivin’ at a crowd Source choir. It was awesome, especially the last full time through. We practiced each part and everyone learned their part. We really rocked the last 2 full times. My favorite part was when we sang the whole thing because we sounded great.

1st December, 2019 This post was written by burke 2 Comments


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