Feeling a little better today (Nov. 7)

Lucas’s eyes are still pink, but they’re looking better than yesterday.

It’s been cold here, so being bundled up in bed hasn’t been so bad.  Here are a few more shots of Lucas cuteness from the past few days.  Thanks so much to Nan for knitting him the sweater!  And to Florence for the hat.  And to Aunt Penny and Uncle Steve for the pajamas.   And to Aunt Ashley for most of the rest of his clothes!  :)

7th November, 2010 This post was written by admin


Comments (4)


November 17th, 2010 at 3:21 pm    

look at that smile! I personally think Lucas has one of the greatest smiles in the world… seriously!

claudia rodriguez

November 12th, 2010 at 1:40 pm    

I am glad Lucas is feeling better!



November 9th, 2010 at 1:42 am    

Lucas, we are so glad to hear you are feeling better! You are ever so cute in your new clothes. We especially love that cozy looking sweater. You are getting bigger and cuter by the day. We MUST plan a trip to see you soon.
We miss you.
Madden, Ellody and Tya

scott & diane

November 8th, 2010 at 8:44 pm    

Hello! Sorry we haven’t writing . We have been busy and love watching you grow on your web site. Thank you Mommy and Daddy for keeping it up dated for everyone . I love the sweater outfit. That will get you feeling better fast. Keep that smile on your face and get better soon . Love Scott and Diane

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